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Anyone having loading issues? Running the game on Android it came up once but no save options on menu. Tried restarting game but now all I get is black screen with restarting message blinking. It does nothing else.

Anyone have a save file around when (minor spoiler) the cast flies out on a trip?


the way the MC stared into the camera at the beginning of chapter 10 had me dying☠️

Deleted 1 year ago

yeah have the same problem after ch 18 i have to start new

Can you give me some more details? Is an error message popping up? If so, what does is it say? Or is the game just not doing anything when trying to load a save? Have you tried to copy everything from inside the game's /saves folder from ch18 an put it into the same folder for ch 19? I'm asking because I can't seem to replicate the problem.

Deleted 1 year ago

It may be too late for that now, but in case that should happen again, please try to copy all the files from the game's /saves folder from the last chapter and put them into the same folder for the current chapter. In most cases that makes the save games show up again

So not to be that guy but chubby blonde got cut :(


What is the taboo apk? What's the difference between taboo and standard apk?


I downloaded the file for Chapter 18, and I can't go past Chapter 17...

You already are. I just missed to update the last message to say 'This is the end of chapter 18' instead of 17. If you ended on a lewd scene with Nina then you're all good.

Ahh ok, gotcha. Thanks for the reply! Keep up the great work!


no discord?


Author please improve the sound in the sex scenes.

And add a gallery!

Thank you author!


I second this, please add an gallery


Hello! I am tremmi and I would like to have a shout out post on itch and patreon with you :) What do you think about it? 

How do I continue the next chapter since the last save?  When I select Load, it takes me to the last save and then to the main menu. When I choose Start, he asks me to pick a name, and I want to pick where I left off.

(1 edit) (+7)(-2)

A half-imbecile with oversized penis is playing James Bond.

He lacks experience, education, sophistication and style, but using the language and argumentation worthy of twelve-year-olds, he turns all the women he meets into sillies who adore him.

The dialogues and plot level are on par with Cristiano Ronaldo, who teaches astrophysics at the University of Cambridge.

The graphics are quite well done, though.


MC hears some noise: Goes to investigate

Hears a woman telling a man to leaves her alone. 

Realize the woman is his friend Lily.

MC: Lily, what are you doing here?

Lily: Mark, is that you?

MC: I heard some commotion so I went to see what was going on. I didn't know it was you.
(After hearing her telling the guy to leave her alone, and seeing her push up against a wall) MC: Is that guy messing with you?

Da fuck

Average npc thinking if you asked me but the game still is a banger so i really dont mind that but if its gonna get change cool with me


Hi naughty Skunk, first of all greetings from Germany. I've been playing "The Way Love Goes" for a while and so far I've never had anything to complain about. However, I've lost interest since chapter 13 was uploaded. <span class="ryNqvb" <the="" reason="" is="" simply="" that="" the="" flow="" of="" game="" repeatedly="" disturbed="" by="" small="" errors.<="" span=""> >span class="jCAhz ChMk0b">On the one hand there is the error that forces the player to start the game from scratch. Another bug popped up recently. In Chapter 2, when the main male character in the animation scene is jerking off in the shower, the image becomes pixelated. And unfortunately it stays that way. So also when Lily comes into the bathroom.</span>

L errors


Whats the release schedule here after patreon release for new chapters?


Okay the Dailogue box should be customisable atleast the opacity because on Android it takes up half the screen and it also doesn't hide 

And you can't see anything behind the box

(1 edit)

For this game and others, I recommend downloading PC version and emulate with JoyPlay, then you can hide the dialogue box just by swiping up. It works for almost every game out there.

You can do that with this game by default. Swipe up on your phone to hide the interface, swipe down to bring it back.

You can hide the whole thing by swiping up on your phone and swipe down to bring it back

(6 edits) (+4)


Not sure if this is allowed, but I love this story but the "laughing" text is a bit much, so here is a copy of the script (up to chapter 13) with all the "he he he, he he, hehe" text removed, the haha's are still there but I find them less annoying to read then he he's. I also fixed a couple of broken sentences. This is not a perfect solution, but it's made the story a million time more enjoyable to read. - this is based on the "taboo" patch script.

I also went ahead and replaced all the ok, and Ok, text with Okay, or okay.

not a he he fan, eh? imo simply replacing ", he he." with "." is enough to improve the reading flow a lot, the few remaining ones mostly work as amplifiers of the surrounding text

Downloads of Chapter 13 release files are not possible via client

i love this and wouldnt change a thin


Man this is slow, I know there is a certain amount of grind in these but damn this is chapter 12, you should be well into hooking up with all the girls.    

Next Update?

Where do i put the tboo patch?

(1 edit) (+2)

Played through to the end of the latest update , Would much prefer the option to choose whether or not you sleep with other girls as some you are forced into it , The  scenes where Megan gets drunk and you take her to the bedroom and undress her , if you refuse to kiss her the next morning at the table MC says they kissed 

Loving the game but its just too slow a burn , 11 chapters and you sleep with Lily at the end , she says she wants to cuddle like a couple and says its all romantic , but heck you don't even give her a kiss after having a night out ,

No interest in Megan but it constantly is trying to force the MC into something with her , To me it just seems as well as too many side women are being forced into the game and every woman the MC sees he starts perving on and thinks is hot as f---

Why did his hair suddenly change in the first chapter?

I love this story and the work on it, but I have discovered that for a lot of adult VNs that have the taboo motif (scenarios/storyline) that it takes what seems like FOREVER to finally see the MC have sex with a family member.  I see this when we are on now Chapter 11 of this VN. I don't mean that the storytellers should rush into it in chapter 1, but REALLY?, eleven chapters in and the most that the MC has done is cop a feel and gotten a kiss?   

It's funny, I only bring this up because the MC has had sex with a cop, an Aunt's co-worker, a store clerk and hotel manager but not those he's supposed to have sex with. I understand the buildup, but come on, by now he should of at least hooked up with one of the cousins or the aunt. Just sayin'.

Don't get me wrong, I loved the story and artwork, but I don't get the dragging out the anticipation. Just my opinion.

Hopefully, we'll see the MC connect with the others sooner rather than later. Just being observant and want to see the story progress a little quicker and not drag out so much.

Otherwise, as always, great work in storytelling and artwork. Looking forward to more chapters in the future.

Where does the Taboo patch go? Again?


Put it into the /game folder replacing the original file. In case you're on mac the file structure is a bit more intricate. Just search for the folder with a file named exactly the same as the taboo patch and replace it


Anal sex?


Bro is everywhere 💀 


As an experiment I replaced in script.rpy

, he he.



(over 400 hits as of v11! and some 100 more with variants like ", ha ha.")

I think the text gets better with the change, it is used every handful of lines and makes it, for me, less fun to read the story.

Sorry if this comment is grumpy, but I honestly believe the removal improves the quality. I very much enjoy your game and like what you are doing, the above is meant as friendly feedback.


Oh yes, I hope the Dev doesn't take it personal, but I think this is a problem too. It kinda breaks the line of thinking I guess. This is the only thing I would change in the game, everything else is lovely.


Yeah, it's kind of like when you're talking to someone and they say "Um" or "y'know" every other sentence.  Especially in the script of the characters' thoughts, they should be eliminated.  Someone might say "Hee hee" or chuckle as a verbal tick, but no one actually thinks it.

(1 edit)

so the patch isnt changing the dialog in the game for windows. I did the download- extract file- and put it in the game folder. Am i doing something wrong here or this a bug of some sort?

Alas I assume that was just the MAC zip being uploaded.  No new content for window, android or other users yeah?

Yeah, a few users mentioned they had problems with the mac version so I uploaded a new one that hopefully fixes that. There is no new content involved

where's the walkthrough

(1 edit)

Hello, the Mac link does not seem to work. Just a heads up

Awesome game. Frustrating that its 11 chapters in and the MC has sex with every girl but the hot ones from the house. :/

Just started playing this game and noticed that some of their characters end their sentences with he he. Is that a way for them to laugh or something?

That's exactly right. It's not supposed to be the personal pronoun 'he'. Though it's not a full out laugh, that would be more like when 'Ha ha ha' is used. A 'he he' or all variations of it is more like a chuckle.

There seems to be something wrong with the mac build of version 10. I can download the zip fine, but I can't launch it using the usual method (right-click and open , then right-click and open again after first message) - it just gives me the message that the "application can't be opened". Could you have a look ?

I need more chapters. This was so fun 


Fun game to play, only downside is that you dont get much opportunity to make choices regarding to relationships. Should be able to choose which path you wanna pursue.

So if you download chapter 9, does it include 1-8 as well?

Yep, every new chapter always includes all previous chapters

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